Joel the hunter wrote:
my god who cares everybody has there own sayings you have to complain because you do not agree with one another i dont care we all still like ellie no matter what
You clearly care; otherwise you wouldn't have necroed a dead topic that has been discussed to death for the umpteenth time. As to why it's important, two reasons. First, declaring Ellie to be straight--or claiming that her sexuality doesn't matter--is a mightily convenient thing to say for one of the only LGBTQ characters. It's LGBTQ erasure in a game chock full of straight characters. Ever notice how literally no one on the planet jumps to their keyboards the moment a character is revealed to be straight with lines like "I think he's actually gay" or "it doesn't matter!!!!111///"? Secondly, I can't find your claim that Naughty Dog "confirmed" that Ellie is bi. The closest I've found is who cares?--from the game director Bruce Straley.
Random fandom user, you don't get to dismiss primary sources. That's now how laying out arguments work. Johnson received instruction from Druckmann on how to portray the character, not the other way round. Just because VAs have opinions on their characters (since they, you know, voice them for years it's kind of inevitable) doesn't make them 100% acceptable sources. In the holy quote from Johnson you keep bringing up, she merely states that "it does not matter" to her; in an ideal world, people wouldn't be fantasizing and freaking out so much about a fictional 14 year old's sexuality. This wiki's visitors have, disappointingly, overwhelmingly demonstrated to the contrary. You people literally will not stop bringing up Ellie's sexuality, regardless of how long the game has been out.
Considering how Druckmann was given full artistic license over how to develop the story, it's actually laughable to call into question whether he had a leadership role in planning said story.
I don't speak for all in the LGBTQ community, but I'm getting sick and tired of the "omg this character might not be gay/is confused/is just going through a phase/totally still fits in my straight fanfic" line of thought. As Straley and Johnson have both stated, it ought not to matter, but people like you insist on continually necroing it.
I'm closing this thread to prevent such necros again; I should have done it years ago. If either of you have anything new to say (please note, new), message me on my wall.