>"Are you sure you want to do this?" That certainly sounds like someone trying to get someone else to back off to me.
Well if so, it's an exceedingly mild way to do it. He's talking about Ellie kicking down doors and murdering dozens of people until she is certainly killed herself—probably sooner than later. If he was actually trying to talk her out of it, he'd be WAY more emphatic.
> "revenge for a murdered girlfriend" idea? Goodness, I hope not. That's so cliche and overused!
Not if Naughty Dog uses it. It would be the only thing powerful enough to make Ellie hate like that. And are you suggesting the alternative—equally cliché—that someone's best friend is killed and they get revenge?
Can you see playing 2: Joel is killed, and you spend the whole game finding and shooting everyone in the group that did it? That's what would be lame, and it would not have the visceral emotional impact on your soul that Part 1 had. (Well, at least it had that effect on me).
In his playstation interview, Neil said they had to think for a long, long time to create a story worthy of Part 1. Joel dying early in the game and we spend the rest of it killing people, that ain't it.
If it was, Part 2 would not only be unworthy of TLOU, it would be a crappy video game from 20 years ago with no suprises, no emotional import, nothing but shooting everyone you see, and it would be universally panned as extremely disappointing.
Plus, it's so drearily predictable, and Naughty Dog knows that everyone expects it. They even made a trailer that transparently says to expect it, with Ellie vowing to kill everyone and Joel walking out of the mist like Clint Eastwood in High Plains Drifter. And not showing us his face? If revenge for Joel is what happens in part 2, then the trailer was WAAY too obvious for Naughty Dog to make.
I'm sorry, that plot story jes' don't feed the bulldog.
Finally, if they did kill Joel:
a) It would also kill any further sequels, period.
b) If Joel dies we riot. That is, if he's killed—no matter what the reason— everyone will hate Lazy Dog.
They're misdirecting us so we won't expect something that truly kicks us in the head (or the balls. Guys and girls take their instructions from different parts of the body).