The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Comics are one of the four categories of collectibles in The Last of Us. The comics are issues of a fictional, in-universe series called Savage Starlight, about a futuristic sci-fi adventure. In total, there are 14 issues to collect. The comics appear to be part of the same fictional franchise as the trading cards found in The Last of Us Part II, as a card can be found featuring the comic's protagonist Dr. Daniela Star.

Plot synopsis[]

Set in the year 2186, the plot of Savage Starlight centers around Dr. Daniela Star's adventures in space. She discovers a method of traveling faster than light via a jump drive,[1] and soon finds that a group of hostile extraterrestrial known as the Travelers are threatening mankind. 

List of comics[]

Number Name Chapter Location
1 Termination Shock "Pittsburgh" On the floor of a bus outside the Hunters' building in Pittsburgh.
2 Messenger Particle "The Suburbs" In the bathroom of a white house in the suburban neighborhood 
3 Force Carrier "Pittsburgh" Received automatically at the beginning of the chapter.
4 Uncertainty "Lakeside Resort" In a side room of the weathered barn that the wounded deer runs through while being chased by Ellie.
5 Foreign Element "Tommy's Dam" On the way to Tommy's dam, head right of the bridge support to find an overturned car. The comic will be next to the nearby corpse.
6 Accretion "Pittsburgh" On the second floor of the hotel, in the bar and lounge area.
7 Free Radicals "The University" Turn around and head up the road at the beginning of the chapter. The comic will be found on the hood of the faded blue car in front of a large white truck. 
8 Negentropy "Lakeside Resort" While escaping from David's men, Ellie will duck into a pipe; on the other side, go up the steps to a small resting area. The comic is on one of the two benches.
9 Precipitate "Bus Depot" After the giraffe cutscene up on the roof, head down the stairs and into the men's restroom. Near one of the stalls, the comic will be found on the floor.
10 Deep Phase "Pittsburgh" After meeting Sam and Henry, follow them and head down the stairs of the house. Unlock the shiv door and head to the left to find a child's bedroom. The comic will be sitting on the desk.
11 Antiparticles "The Suburbs" After escaping the hunters in Pittsburgh and washing ashore the beach, investigate the wrecked boat nearby to find this inside.
12 Zero Point "Tommy's Dam" At the ranch house Ellie runs off to after she is discovered missing at the dam, head upstairs and enter the bedroom on the immediate left. The comic is next to a stack of books and some throw pillows in front of the window.
13 Catalysis "Bus Depot" On the ventilation shaft in the underground tunnel.
14 Singularity "Jackson" In the forest, bear right until you see a rusted truck. The comic is on the driver's seat.


The Last of Us[]

The Last of Us Part I[]

  • Endure and Survive (Gold trophy Gold) - Collect all comics.

Behind the scenes[]

  • On the backside of each book, the Dark Horse Comics logo can be seen at the bottom next to the barcode. Dark Horse Comics is a real publishing company, and published The Last of Us: American Dreams. Mike Oeming, who work on the comics, also designed the art for the Savage Starlight comics. Naughty Dog even created has a website for Savage Starlight. They also included a reference to it in the epilogue of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, where a Savage Starlight poster is found in Cassie Drake's bedroom during the epilogue.
  • In a one-shot for the Dungeons & Dragons series Critical Role, Liam O'Brien led the players in a scene where they were on set for a fictional Savage Starlight game title. O'Brien was a voice director for The Last of Us and The Last of Us: Left Behind, and the other cast members (including Ashley Johnson who plays Ellie) have all been involved in The Last of Us series.[2]


Bugs and Glitches[]

  • The comic found inside the ranch house when finding Ellie may sometimes not spawn.
  • The comic found inside the bathroom at the bus depot may sometimes not spawn.
  • The comic's found in the Lakeside Resort chapter may sometimes not spawn.
  • Note that in some cases, when you die or quit the game, a previously found comic may need to be retrieved again depending on where your last auto-save occurred. Always double-check to ensure that any comics you found previously don't need to be picked up again.

