The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Cumberland Farms is a minor location in HBO's The Last of Us. It is a convenience store located 10 miles west of Boston and just outside of Lincoln where Joel and Tess kept a small hidden cache of supplies.[1]



Cumberland Farms was once a store used prior to the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak in 2003. Shortly after the outbreak, Bill drove there and ransacked the area for supplies.

The store fell into disuse until Tess and Joel began using it as a link point between Boston and Lincoln in their journeys to and from the Bill and Frank. They would hide some food rations and weapons there, Joel claiming it was to ensure they had some supplies should they ever leave Boston in a hurry.

Before 2023, the last time they visited the store in 2022. In that time, the underground that collapsed, trapping an infected down there.[1]

Events of HBO's The Last of Us[]

After August, 2023, Joel returned to the store with Ellie. He stored an assault rifle he had with him, stolen from Lee, a FEDRA soldier in Boston. While he salvaged the last supplies hidden there, he let Ellie wander around. Ellie snuck down stairs to the hidden cellar, where she collected a box of tampons. While there, she noticed the trapped infected and, after taunting it for a while, killed it with her switchblade. She then returned to the main store where she and Joel then departed onwards to Lincoln.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

