The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Fran is a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II.[1]



Fran was a citizen living within the Seattle quarantine zone after the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak and lived with Rebecca. Before the apocalypse, she owned a shop that sold magazines, and once caught Jimmy trying to steal one when he was thirteen. She was also the first person that Jimmy revealed he was gay to.

After the Washington Liberation Front defeated FEDRA and the United States military, Fran was forced to live under their rule. She disliked the militia group, considering them fascistic. As such, she resisted their efforts to make her move to SoundView Stadium.

Fran witnessed the WLF soldiers executing Jimmy outside his own home after it was revealed he was associated with the Seraphites. The execution was public, with the entire street watching them shoot Jimmy. Fran vividly remembered Jimmy's last words were the Seraphites' chant to their prophet: "May the current be calm. May she guide me home."

The event traumatized Fran, who refused to leave her home despite Rebecca joining the WLF. She fled to a cabin, leaving a note for Rebecca imploring her to do the same.[2]

Events of The Last of Us Part II[]

Ellie and Dina can find a note Fran wrote when searching Seattle.[1]

