The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Kill that bitch!
―Ji-So while attacking Ellie.

Ji-So Huang was a deserter from the Washington Liberation Front (WLF) in The Last of Us Part II. She also left a letter which Ellie found.[2]



Ji-So and her companions Andre Dominguez, Chris Marsh and Adam Peters were originally on their own until the WLF took them in. However, they eventually decided to leave because they feared the WLF's leader, Isaac Dixon. She left a note for her friend Melissa so that she could do the same and meet up with the rest of the group.[3] Isaac subsequently ordered for their capture and execution.[1]

If Ellie enters the apartment where the group is hiding out, they will ambush her at the workbench, forcing her to kill them in self-defense.[2]

