List of known WLF agitators is an artifact that is found during the chapter "Seattle Day 1 (Ellie)" in The Last of Us Part II.
The list of known WLF agitators is printed memorandum detailing key Washington Liberation Front conspirators. It includes handwritten additions by Sgt. Ward.
The note can be found in a filing cabinet on the first floor of the Courthouse. After descending to the first floor, continue past the elevators and break the window on the left to enter the office. Inside the office, there is a filing cabinet to the left of Lt. Torres' remains. Search the bottom drawer of the cabinet to find the artifact.
The following people are our top priority targets for anti-terrorist operations.
Emma Patterson - smuggling, falsifying ration cards, acts of sedition
Jason Patterson - smuggling, acts of sedition, acts of terrorism
Marcus Wilson - smuggling, acts of terrorism
Luis Sanchez - smuggling, acts of terrorism
Isaac Dixon - murder of FEDRA officer, acts of terrorism, acts of sedition (circled)
Hugo Gonzalez - distribution of anti-FEDRA propaganda
Alison Cole - murder of FEDRA officer, acts of sedition (circled)
With the Pattersons and Sanchez gone, Dixon has moved in to fill the void; he is now our top-priority target. - Sgt. Ward
REMINDER: All items confiscated from suspects should be placed in the office lockup. Code is: 860722