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The Last of Us Wiki

Marlene's journal is an artifact that can be found in "The Firefly Lab".


March 15
We've finally crossed the Utah border. In a
couple of days we'll be back with the others.

Today the crew was in much better spirits. I've
been worried about their morale since Greg and
Tania's passing last week. It's good to hear
them laughing again. Robin came up to me and
said, "Thanks for watching over us, Marlene." It
was a small gesture, but I needed it.

March 23
Ellie never made it.

We arrived at the hospital. There was much
celebration, at least from the others. I guess
they're happy to see their old friends. We
haven't seen some of these guys in over ten

After they told me the news, I couldn't eat. I
couldn't talk to anyone.

I should be grateful to just be alive, but right
now I just want to shut my eyes for a bit.

March 24
They look at me and I know what they're
thinking - that we're a bunch of incompetent
grunts. What was I supposed to do? I thought I
was going to die... my men were being hunted
by the entire Boston battalion. I had to get her
out of the city. How was I supposed to know the
Firefly escorts were already dead?

Goddamn it...

I panicked. In the end I healed pretty damn
quickly, and my men were more capable than I
gave them credit for. More than a handful
survived the army's attack. I should've kept her
with me, instead I handed her off to a couple of

I failed you, Anna. I failed all of us.

I am an incompetent grunt.

April 25
I can't stand talking to any of them. I don't think
I can take the stares any longer. No way I can
stay here.

April 28
One of our scouts just radioed in. He spotted an
older man and a young girl entering the tunnel
by the bus terminal. He thinks she might've had
red hair, but he's not sure. What if it's her? Stop
doing this, Marlene!

The recon squad is about to head out. I'm going
to join them.

April 28
When you're lost in the darkness, look for the

She's alive. They're running the tests on her

I can't tell if I'm excited, scared, or just nervous.
All I know is my hands won't stop shaking.
