Oozer is a trading card that can be found in The Last of Us Part II.
During Seattle Day One, the Oozer card can be found on top of the control room in which the player finds the gate codes list. In order to get up there, players must toss the generator cable over the gate next to it and climb up it from the other side.
Real Name: Andrew Flanders
Brains: 40
Brawn: 100
Affiliation: None
After pulling one too many all-nighters, this sleep-deprived research scientist fell into a vat of unknown organic matter. When the tank was drained, what emerged was a slimy, amorphous blob, capable of absorbing almost any kind of organic matter. Enraged by his horrible fate, he carved a gooey trail of destruction across the city, earning him the moniker Oozer. Susceptible to extremes of heat and cold, he is pursued by Sergeant Frost and Candelabra, all the while seeking a way to return to his original form.