← "Bill's Town" | Current transcript "Pittsburgh" |
"The Suburbs" → |
The following is the full transcript of "Pittsburgh", the fifth chapter of The Last of Us Part I.
Alone and Forsaken[]
[The chapter opens by continuing with the rest of the cinematic "He ain't even hurt". It cuts to a rainy highway with abandoned cars then a view of the street, as the pickup truck speeds past. The scene cuts to inside the truck. A tired Joel drives, briefly rubbing his eyes. He is then startled at the sound of Ellie in the backseat.]
Ellie: Oh, man!
Joel: [Looks through the rear-view mirror.] Hey, what happened to sleeping?
Ellie: [Scoffs. She sits up] Okay, I know it doesn't look like it, [Lifts the comic book.] but this here is not a bad read. Only one problem. Right there. [Points to a page.] 'To be continued!' [Groans.] I hate cliff hangers.
Joel: [Looks over.] Where did you get that?
Ellie: Uhh, [Nervously.] back at Bill's. I mean, all this stuff was just lying there.
Joel: [Sigh.] What else did you get?
Ellie: [Smiles.] Well... [She rummages in her backpack and pulls out a cassette.] Here. This make you all nostalgic?
Joel: Y'know, [Takes the cassette.] That is actually before my time. [Chuckles.] That is a winner though. [Puts the cassette into the truck's player and "I'll Never Get out of This World Alive" by Hank Williams begins to play.] Oh, man...
Ellie: Well, better than nothing. Oh, [She looks in the backpack.] I'm sure your friend will be missing this tonight. [Pulls out a magazine.]
Joel: [Inattentive.] Um-hum.
Ellie: [Opens the magazine.] Light on the reading, but it's got some interesting photos.
Joel: [Looks through the rear-view mirror, shocked. Briefly turns back.] Now, Ellie. That ain't for kids.
Ellie: [Holds the magazine sideways.] Whoa! [Shows Joel.] How... how the hell would he even walk around with that thing?
Joel: [Tries to grab the magazine.] Get rid of that! Throw it out the window!
Ellie: Hold your horses, I wanna see what all the fuss is about. Oh... why are these all stuck together?
Joel: [Looks in the rear-view mirror.] Um...
Ellie: [Laughs.] I'm just fucking with you. [Lowers the window and tosses out the magazine.] Bye-bye, dude!
[The scene cuts to outside the car, driving down the rainy highway. On the right of the highway, a big street sign says "76 West, Pittsburgh, 242 Miles". The scene cuts back inside of the truck, Ellie climbs into the front passenger seat.]
Ellie: [Looks at Joel.] You know what? [Faces forward.] This isn't that bad. [Turns up music volume.]
Joel: Why don't you try to get some sleep, all right?
Ellie: Pft--I'm not even tired.
[The scene cuts to Ellie sleeping with Joel still driving beside her. It is now daytime and the rain has stopped. The music has changed: now it's "Alone and Forsaken" by Hank Williams. Ellie wakes up as Joel begins to slow the truck down.]
Joel: Oh, no, no, no, no. [The camera cuts to outside of the truck slowing down on the highway, showing one of two routes, blocked off by multiple cars.] Well, perfect.
Ellie: [Yawns.] Now what? [Looks at Joel.]
Joel: [Briefly turns to look back, then faces forwards. Pauses.] Screw it.
[The camera cuts to the car driving into the other route into Pittsburgh then to a series of buildings that Ellie look at from the passenger seat. The scene cuts to Hunter #1 stumbling out into the street, feigning an injury. Joel slams on the brakes.]
Ellie: Easy!
Hunter #1: [Shouts and walks weakly.] Please... help!
Ellie: Holy shit... [Sits up.] Are we gonna help him?
Joel: [Putting his seat belt on.] Put your seat belt on, Ellie.
Hunter #1: [Still stumbling.] Help me...
Ellie: [Puts on her seat belt.] What about the guy?
Joel: Oh, he ain't even hurt. [Steps on gas.]
Hunter #1: [Dropping the ruse, he pulls out a handgun, fires it, and shouts.] Oh, fuck. Go! Go! Go!
[Multiple other hunters come out of hiding and a bullet hits the windshield. Joel runs into the stranger, launching him over the hood of the truck.]
Ellie: Jesus!
[A hunter tosses a brick at their windshield from up above and another manages to smash the passenger side window as it drives past. Ellie turns to the side and covers her face. Looking over, Ellie sees a bus prepared to run into the truck. The music on the tape plays throughout]
Ellie: Oh, not good!
Joel: Hold on!
[The truck swerves and Joel cries out, managing to crash through the rolled-down gate of a store and collide with a container, forcing the truck to stop. The screen goes black. Glass shatters. The music ceases. The "He ain't even hurt" cinematic ends. The game cuts to the store Ellie and Joel have crashed in.]
Ellie: I'm okay. I'm okay.
Joel: Then get out quick.
[Joel unbuckles his seat belt, dazed from the class. A hunters runs in from outside, opens Ellie's door and grabs her.]
Hunter: C'mere, you!
Joel: Shit!
[Joel grabs Ellie's foot, trying to stop the hunter from taking Ellie. Another hunter runs in, opening Joel's door, then slams his head on to the car floor, stunning him. Joel lets Ellie go, allowing the hunter to pull her from the car.]
Ellie: Let go of me, you chickenshit! Joel!
[The hunter on Joel's side pulls him from the car and slams him into a glass door. He then attempts to impale Joel's neck but Joel regains his senses and presses his hands on the doorframe to stop himself falling further. The player now gains control of Joel. After a moment, Joel elbows the hunter and throws him into the glass, impaling his neck. The hunter then bleeds out on the floor. Near the front of the store, Ellie bites the other hunter's arm, causing the man to let her go and smack her to the ground.]
Hunter: I'll show you. [Mounts Ellie and grabs her neck.] I'll show you.
Ellie: Get off of me!
[Joel runs over, kicking the hunter. He then picks him up and slams the man's head several times into a pile of bricks, killing him. Ellie picks herself up, coughing.
Ellie: Motherfucker.
Joel: Come on.
[Joel pulls Ellie back to the truck and begins taking out his and her backpacks.]
Ellie: What's wrong with these guys?
Joel: Catch your breath. We're leaving.
[Joel tosses Ellie her backpack, which she catches and puts on. Joel then puts his on.]
Ellie: 'Kay... [Sees a hunter armed with a pistol.] Watch out!
[The hunter fires a shot, but Joel ducks in time, the bullet shooting out the truck's driver-side window.]
Joel: Shit! Stay down!
[Joel and Ellie take cover as a group of armed hunters begin running towards the store.]
Hunter #1: This motherfucker's dangerous. He killed all of them.
Hunter #2: Shit. Spread out.
Hunter #3: Damn. This tourist got some scrap in him.
[Joel kills them all.]
Joel: All right...I think that's the last of 'em. You OK?
Ellie: Yeah. I guess so.
Joel: Good, 'cause we need to get the hell out of here. You know the drill. Look around, see if there is anything we can use.
Ellie: Roger that. Agh. [Approaches door shutters to a gas station.] Hey -- maybe we can go through here.
Joel: Well, we sure as hell ain't going back this way. [Lifts shutters.] Aggh...c'mon...All right, go. See if you can get it propped open with somethin'.
[Ellie enters the garage to see several corpses and clothes around the room.]
Ellie: Um... There's some pretty gnarly stuff in here.
Joel: Ellie!
Ellie: Right. Okay, go.
[Ellie holds up the door and Joel ducks into the gas station's garage.]
Joel: Okay, I got it, I got it, I got it.
Ellie: Look.
[Joel turns to see the corpses, deducing they were other passerbys ("tourists") who had wandered into the city.]
Joel: Fucking hunters. See, this could've been us.
Ellie: Man, that is a lot of people that didn't make it.
Joel: I knew I should've turned the damn truck around.
Ellie: We lived.
Joel: Barely. C'mon, let's get outta here.
Ellie: How did you know?
Joel: Know what?
Ellie: About the ambush.
Joel: I've been on both sides.
Ellie: Oh. So, ah, you kill a lot of innocent people?
[Joel grunts.]
Ellie: I'll take that as a yes.
Joel: Take it however you want.
[They climb a staircase and reach the highway hunter's living quarters.]
Ellie: I guess this is where the assholes sleep. I mean slept.
[Outside, they find burnt corpses.]
Ellie: Oh, I don't think these guys were infected.
Joel: It don't matter. Let's just keep moving.
[Ellie jumps down ahead of Joel.]
Joel: Hey, Ellie, slow down. Wait for me.
Ellie: [Shouting.] What? I'm right here.
Joel: How 'bout you let me go first? And keep your voice down.
Ellie: Okay.
[They start walking. Ellie starts whistling.]
Ellie: I'm whistling.
Joel: Oh, good. Something else you can annoy me with.
Ellie: That's awesome.
[Ellie sees corpse hanging out of a car.]
Ellie: What happened here? Your fellow hunters do this?
Joel: Cute. And no, my money's on the military.
Ellie: Why would they mow down all these people?
Joel: Can't let everyone in.
Ellie: So they killed them?
Joel: And dead people don't get infected. You sacrifice the few to save the many.
Ellie: It's kinda shitty.
Joel: Yeah.
[A gunshot rings out nearby, causing a flock of birds to fly high in the distance. Three hunters begin climbing over a disused bus up the path.]
Ellie: What was that?
Joel: I don't know. Ellie, get down.
[Joel and Ellie hide as the three hunters begin walking down the path.]
Hunter #1: Where did you learn to shoot?
Hunter #2: Man, screw you.
Hunter #1: You had an entire flock and hit nothing.
Hunter #2: I'm about to hit you.
Hunter #1: Wow...yeah, you're really upset. Well if you want some lessons, I'm more than willing to help you out.
Hunter #2: Yeah, whatever.
Hunter #3: Where the hell are those guys? They're supposed to be here.
Hunter #1: They're on the highway shift. Wouldn't be surprised if they caught another batch of tourists.
Hunter #3: Spot's a goldmine. Lucky bastards.
Hunter #1: See if there's anything you can forage while we wait for them.
Hunter #3: Ain't nothin' here. Let's keep going.
[The three hunters stop on the path.]
Hunter #1: Screw this. I ain't waiting any longer. Let's go see what those assholes are up to.
Hunter #2: They pull this crap every time. I swear to god, if they're holding out on us again...
Hunter #1: Yeah. And you'll do what?
Hunter #2: You'll see.
Hunter #1: Yeah, I will see.
[The hunters walk towards the highway. Once out of sight, Ellie and Joel leave their cover and walk to the bus.]
Ellie: Hey, we can climb the bus right here. [Stops and takes out a jokeboo.] Okay, we need to lighten the mood. Ready? "It doesn't matter how much you push the envelope -- it'll still be stationary."
Joel: What is that?
Ellie: A joke book. No Pun Intended: Volume Too by Will Livingston.
Joel: Let's keep going.
Ellie: "What did the Confederate soldiers use to eat off of? Civil ware."
Joel: Uh-huh.
Ellie: "What did they use to drink with? Cups. Dixie cups." "I walked into my sister's room and tripped on a bra. It was a booby-trap." "A book just fell on my head. I only have myself to blame." Oh wait, I said it wrong. Hold on, let me read it again. "A book just fell on my head...I only have my shelf to blame." Heh...ruined it. "What is the leading cause of divorce in long-term marriages? A stalemate."
Joel: That's awful.
Ellie: You're awful.
Joel: Do you even understand what that means?
Ellie: Nope. Doesn't matter. All right, I'm done...for now.
[They proceed over the bus and into the now abandoned quarantine zone checkpoint.]
Ellie: That bridge looks pretty far.
Joel: We'll get there.
Ellie: Whoa. It's strange seeing a checkpoint with no soldiers.
Joel: This is what most zones look like. This place has been abandoned for a while now.
[Ellie notices some graffiti.]
Ellie: "Give us our rations." Why wouldn't they give them their food?
Joel: Sometimes they ran out. Most times they just held onto it.
Ellie: That never happened in Boston.
Joel: Trust me, it happened all the time.
[They pass through the processing turnstile. A large hunter patrol lies ahead, three patrolling outside and the rest in a book store.]
Ellie: I hear hunters.
Joel: Yeah, me too. Let's keep it down while we're going through this area. Okay?
Hunter #4: Oh...I'm so fucking tired. We were up all night chasing this tourist.
Hunter #5: Oh, you were part of that? I heard about this.
Hunter #4: Yeah, this one chick, she would just not give up. I've never seen anyone with so much fuckin' energy. It took a couple of minutes to snuff everyone else and fucking five hours to hunt her ass down.
Hunter #5: Jesus. Sometimes you gotta earn your keep.
Hunter #4: Yeah, I guess. We were about to give up when she started shooting at us. Stupid, she coulda got away. I had two other guys keep her busy. I took out my rifle, lined up her little head in the crosshairs, and pow. That was that.
Hunter #5: Damn. Maybe you shoulda kept her. Y'know, made her one of us.
Hunter #4: No, no way. That girl -- she'd a killed us all in our sleep.
[Joel and Ellie stealth past the outside group and reach within ear shot of a group inside the book store.]
Hunter #6: Bossman says we're getting big enough to expand.
Hunter #7: New head honcho...same bullshit talk.
Hunter #6: I don't know. Now that we have enough people watching all the exits, he says we can set up a larger perimeter.
Hunter #7: What is that really gonna give us?
Hunter #6: I don't know, maybe we find some more gas, get some more generators going. I'd really like to restore one of those old projectors. Maybe watch movies or something.
Hunter #7: That shit ain't happening. I've heard that expansion talk way too many times...and every time we try, it ends up with a bunch of us getting killed.
Hunter #6: How do you know? Maybe things'll be different now.
Hunter 7: Keep your expectations in check, youngun. You'll live longer.
[Joel and Ellie eventually engage and kill all of the hunters inside and outside the book store.]
Joel: That was too damn close.
Ellie: The edge of the universe and back. Endure and survive.
Joel: Excuse me?
Ellie: Savage Starlight. That comic I've been reading? It's what the hero says after a big battle.
Joel: Endure and survive?
Ellie: Yeah.
Joel: Okay.
[Joel and Ellie inspect the book store.]
Ellie: Man, look at all these books. I wish I had more room in my backpack.
Joel: So you're a reader, huh?
Ellie: Well, when I'm not running away from hunters or infected? Yeah, I read all the time. [Takes out joke book.] Okay, it's time to lighten the mood. "Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead-to-know basis." Knead.
Joel: I get it.
Ellie: "A moon rock tastes better than an earthly rock...because it's meteor." Oh man, that made me hungry. "A backwards poet writes inverse."
Joel: Do you even get that?
Ellie: Of course not. "I used to be addicted to soap, but I'm clean now."
Joel: All right, I've actually never heard that one.
Ellie: That's it...that's all I got. Now what?
[They leave the bookstore and find FEDRA corpses hanging by a hunter's warning sign.]
Ellie: Man, you'd gotta be crazy to string up soldiers.
Joel: You get people desperate enough, they'll do just about anything.
Ellie: And the people that rose up...they're the ones we've been fighting here?
Joel: That'd be my bet. Let's see where this leads us. Watch yourself on these drops!
[They enter a flooded street. Two hunters are nearby on a bus.]
Joel: Down, down, down, down. There's more of 'em.
[Joel and Ellie duck behind cover. The two hunters use a plank to cross a walkway.]
Hunter #1: Careful with that plank.
Hunter #2: Let's get outta here.
[The two hunters climb a window ledge into a the Hotel Grand.]
Joel: All right. I don't think they saw us.
Ellie: Whew. There's our bridge. We're a little closer, I think.
Joel: Let's keep at it. C'mon.
[Ellie finds an old store's supermodel poster.]
Ellie: That girl is so skinny. I thought you had plenty of food in your time.
Joel: We did. Some just chose to not eat it.
Ellie: Why the hell not?
Joel: For looks.
Ellie: Pssh. That's stupid.
[Ellie takes out her jokebook.]
Ellie: I think we can use some good ol' pun humor. "3.14% of sailors are pirates."
Joel: 3.14...
Ellie: "I stayed up all night wondering where the sun went. Then it dawned on me."
Joel: I get it.
Ellie: "What did the mermaid wear to her math class?"
Joel: What?
Ellie: "An algae bra."
Joel: Terrible.
Ellie: "Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?"
Joel: All right.
Ellie: "Because he was outstanding in his field."
Joel: That'll do. Put that thing away.
Ellie: Okay. I'm all joked out.
[They go to the flooded section where the hunters moved the plank.]
Joel: I can't make that jump.
Ellie: If you get me up there, I can move that plank.
Joel: Wait here! Let's see where this goes.
[Joel swims towards a plank in the water. As he reaches it, a humvee passes above him on a bridge, then lets out a hail of bullets, chasing other tourists.]
Joel: [To himself.] What the hell? Oh, this place is bad.
[Joel grabs the pallet and swims back to Ellie.]
Ellie: What the hell was that all about?
Joel: Get on. We're cuttin' through the hotel.
Ellie: Um...okay...
Joel: Set that plank like they did.
[Joel moves the pallet to set Ellie up by the bus. She climbs up and positions the plank on the walkway.]
Ellie: All right. Now you just need to find a way up.
[Joel swims into a coffee shop. rendezvous with her in an old coffee shop.]
Ellie: Oh, this place stinks.
Joel: Yeah, wood's all rotten.
Ellie: Did you go to coffee shops a lot?
Joel: I did. All the time.
Ellie: And what would you get?
Joel: Just...just coffee.
[Joel makes it on to the bus and walks the plank over to Ellie.]
Ellie: Do you think those hunters are gone?
Joel: We're about to find out.
[They enter the Hotel Grand, jumping from the window down to the reception area.]
Joel: It's clear, Ellie. Come on down.
Ellie: Whoa...this is fancy. Ever stay in a place like this? Before it all went to shit, I mean.
Joel: No...no, this is too rich for my blood.
Ellie: Oh. I bet it was nice. I bet we can get up there.
Joel: No, it's too high. Let's see what we can find.
[He finds a coffee maker broken on a back counter.]
Joel: Ahhh, I really miss coffee.
[Ellie goes over to the concierge desk.]
Ellie: Oh, I'll be checking in for one night and I'd like your finest suite please.
Joel: The hell are you doin'?
Ellie: Why yes, you can take my luggage upstairs.
Joel: You are a weird kid.
[Joel finds a way past the broken stairway.]
Joel: Come on up. Watch your step.
[Ellie gets out a jokebook while she waits.]
Ellie: Okay, it's time to lighten the mood. "I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist." "Do you know what's not right?"
Joel: Left?
Ellie: Yeah. That's awesome. "What does a pirate say while eating sushi?"
Joel: I don't know, what?
Ellie: "Ahoy! Pass me some soy!" I don't get it. "People are making up apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow..." Too soon. That's it, that's all I got.
Hotel Lobby[]
[They cut through a window onto a low roof. Hunters are scrounging for supplies in the rooms.]
Joel: Oh shit. Get down, get down.
Hunter #1: Grr, this tourist put up a hell of a fight. It took two of us to put 'em down.
Hunter #2: Wait, how many is that now?
Hunter #1: Hmm, five just this week. But hey, I'm not complaining.
Hunter #2: I bet you're not. We done here?
Hunter #1: We got another floor to check, man.
Hunter #2: Check for what? I ain't seen a clicker in weeks.
Hunter #1: That's 'cause we're thorough. We're gonna keep being thorough. Now let's wrap this up, right?
Hunter #2: All right, whatever.
Hunter #3: Hey, how 'bout we take a little food break?
Hunter #4: Nah, maybe in like an hour or so. We can eat something before heading back to camp.
Hunter #3: Sounds good.
Hunter #4: Got some extra dried fruit if you want.
Hunter #3: I'll take you up on that.
[Joel and Ellie kill the hunters. Later, they find two corpses in a bathtub.]
Ellie: Oh, creepy. Guess they took the easy way out, huh?
Joel: It ain't easy -- for many it was better than letting a clicker or hunter do it for 'em. Trust me. It ain't easy.
[They make it to an elevator. They climb on top of it.]
Joel: Let's see where this goes.
[Ellie shuts the trapdoor.]
Ellie: Just in case.
Joel: It's gonna be a tight fit, but come on.
Ellie: Okay.
[They sidle to the other shaft.]
Joel: You find something to climb on. Okay, here we go.
Ellie: All right...
Joel: Here we go.
[Joel boosts Ellie up into the empty gap to another room but the lift falls. Joel falls into the flooded basement.]
Ellie: Oh shit! Joel! Joel!
Joel: I'm all right! Are you okay?
Ellie: No! You scared the shit outta me! I'm...I'm gonna climb down there, okay?
Joel: No! Stay up there. I'll make my way up to you!
Ellie: Don't do anything stupid!
Joel: I'll try.
[He navigates the flooded B1 level.]
Joel: Maybe that way. That could be it.
[The door is blocked by debris.]
Joel: Goddamnit. I don't think I tried over there yet.
[He swims further.]
Joel: Over there. I need to find a way around this gate. Well, maybe that doorway. Oh, damn it. Spores.
[He hears a loud splashing sound nearby.]
Joel: Oh shit.
[He reaches an old generator room, where stalkers patrol in the shadows.]
Joel: I hate these things.
[Joel restarts a generator, which attracts more stalkers and a bloater.[fn 1] He also collects Jack Sullivinsky's keycard.]
Joel: Goddammit!
[At a keycard door, Joel tries using the keycard he found.]
Joel: Made it. Ah, so much for that. I gotta find Ellie.
[Joel heads up back to the hotel's main level. He enters a restaurant kitchen, where hunters are just finishing killing a clicker.]
Hunter #1: It's down. Finish it!
Hunter #2: I got it.
Hunter #1: Nicely done. You bit?
Hunter #2: Not today. You?
Hunter #1: Not today. All right...spread out and make sure we didn't miss any more of these fuckers.
[Joel kills them. He then positions a ladder to climb to the next level. As he reaches the top, a hunter jumps down and kicks him from the ladder to the ground into a pool of water. The hunter than jumps and tackles Joel, pinning him under water. After struggling, Joel is able to punch the hunter off, briefly regaining air, but the hunter recovers and pins Joel again, this time face done. Joel tries to reach for his pistol, but the hunter grabs his arm. An arm then reaches in to the water, picking up the gun and shooting the hunter in the head. Joel rises back to the surface and looks to who has saved him. The "I feel sick" cinematic starts. The camera cuts to Ellie, gun in hand, overwhelmed at having killed the hunters. Joel pulls himself from the water.]
Ellie: Man... [Lowers handgun.] I shot the hell outta that guy, huh?
Joel: [Stands up.] Yeah, you sure did.
[Ellie sits on a nearby crate.]
Ellie: I feel sick.
Joel: [Snatches handgun.] Why didn't you just hang back like I told you to? [Walks off, unloading then reloading the gun.]
Ellie: [Looks at Joel.] Well, you're glad I didn't, right?
Joel: [Chuckles.] I'm glad I didn't get my head blown off by a goddamn kid.
Ellie: [Stands.] You know what? No! How about "Hey Ellie, I know it wasn't easy, but it was either him or me. Thanks for saving my ass!" You got anything like that for me, Joel?!
Joel: [Pauses.] We gotta get going. [Walks off.]
Ellie: Lead the way...
[The "I feel sick" cinematic ends. The player regains control over Joel.]
Joel: We need to get back out. Find that bridge.
Ellie: Just tell me where to go.
Joel: I hate this crap.
[They reach a deserted ballroom. Ellie gravitates to a beach photo backdrop.]
Ellie: Wow, look at that.
Joel: That's a backdrop. People would take their pictures in front of it.
Ellie: Yeah, I know what it is.
Joel: Okay, then. Something on your mind, Ellie?
Ellie: I wasn't trying to disobey you back there. You were taking a really long time and I thought, maybe he's gotten into trouble.
Joel: It don't matter what you thought. I need you to listen to me.
Ellie: I do. It's just that... Whatever, Joel.
Joel: That door looks like a way out. Hey, you see a way to get up there?
Ellie: Nope.
[He starts pushing a piano toward the balcony.]
Joel: Might be able to get through with this. All right... Goddamn, this is heavier than I thought. Hey, how 'bout a hand?
Ellie: You sure you can trust me with that?
Joel: Ellie... [Ellie moves over to help.] Push.
Ellie: I am.
Joel: Push harder!
Ellie: There. How's that?
Joel: Let's go.
[They exit the hotel onto some scaffolding.]
Financial District[]
[The "You're welcome cinematic" starts. Joel jumps out of the hotel window and onto a scaffolding above ground. He looks over and sees a corpse, with a rifle in hand, sitting in a couch. Joel grabs the rifle. He peers over the edge of the scaffolding, seeing several hunters in the distance.]
Hunter #1: [Far away.] They haven't gotten back yet.
Joel: [Quickly ducks.] Oh shit!
Hunter #2: [Far away.] What the hell is taking 'em so long?
Hunter #1: I don't know, they went to check on 'em. For now, we wait.
Joel: [Ellie climbs in through the window behind him. Whispers.] Come here. Keep your head down. [Ellie crouches beside Joel. Both peer at the Hunters below.] All right now... I'm gonna jump down there and I'm gonna clear us a path.
Ellie: [Looks at Joel.] What about me?
Joel: You stay here.
Ellie: [Frustrated.] This is so stupid. We'd have more a fucking chance if you'd let me help--
Joel: I am! [Momentarily looks over and grabs the rifle.] Now you seem to know your way around a gun. [Presents it to Ellie.] You reckon you can handle that?
Ellie: [Pauses.] Well, uh, I sorta shot a rifle before. [Takes rifle.] But it was at rats.
Joel: [Concerned.] Rats?
Ellie: With BB's.
Joel: [Reluctant.] Well, its the same basic concept. Lift it up. [Ellie lifts the rifle.] All right now, [Instructing Ellie.] you're gonna wanna lean right into that stock, 'cause that is gonna kick a hell of a lot more than any BB rifle.
Ellie: [Tilts head.] Okay.
Joel: Go ahead and pull that bolt back. [Makes motion with hands.] Grab it right there. [Ellie grabs.] Just tug it. [Ellie reloads.] There you go. Now as soon as you fire, you're gonna want to get another round in there quick. [Ellie nods.] Listen to me--if I get into trouble down there, you make every shot count. [Pauses.] Yeah?
Ellie: I got this. I won't let you down.
Joel: [Nods.] All right. [Joel crawls away to an opening in the scaffolding but stops to look back at Ellie.] And just so we're clear about back there... [Pauses.] It was either him or me. [Jumps down scaffolding.]
Ellie: [Stares.] You're welcome... [Takes aim.]
[The "You're welcome" cinematic ends. The scene cuts to Joel beneath the scaffolding, facing the group of hunters by the recently hung corpse. The player regains control over Joel.]
Hunter #1: Asshole should've known better. If you're gonna steal, you better make sure you get away with it.
Hunter #2: Right? I would've done--
Hunter #3: [Running in.] They're all dead! They're all fucking dead!
[Hunter #3 reaches the group.]
Hunter #1: The hell's he yappin' about? Take a breath. Who's dead?
Hunter #3: The whole crew. The 76 lookout guys. Some fuckin' tourist killed 'em, killed all of 'em.
Hunter #1: Shit. Have you talked to the boss?
Hunter #3: Yeah. He wants everyone to hold their ground, watch the gate.
Hunter #2: All right, you heard him. Search the area. Do not let anybody through!
[The hunters begin to spread out and search the area.]
Hunter #4: He's gotta be wrong.
Hunter #5: About the crew being dead?
Hunter #4: I don't see some tourists taking out the entire crew.
Hunter #5: What if they did? Maybe it's the military coming back.
Hunter #4: Don't be an idiot. Military doesn't give a damn about this place. Look, if anything some tourists got lucky.
Hunter #5: We'll find them. We always do.
Hunter #4: I hope you're right.
[Joel kills them all with Ellie's help.]
Joel: All right, come on down.
[The "How'd I do" cinematic begins. Ellie exhales and stops aiming the rifle. She stands fully erect and walks off the scaffolding. Cut to Joel, who paces besides a hunter's dead body and bends down beside it. Cut to Ellie, who approaches Joel with the rifle still in her grip. Cut to both, Joel removes a handgun from the hunter's palm. He stands up and faces her. He takes the rifle from her.]
Ellie: [Concerned.] How'd I do?
Joel: [Nodding, he takes the rifle and places it down beside him.] How 'bout something a... [Checks handgun.] a little more your size. [Offers Ellie the hand gun but pulls away as she reaches for it.] It's for emergencies only.
Ellie: [Nods] Okay. [Ellie takes the handgun and examines it before placing it in her back pocket.]
[Both Joel and Ellie nod at one another, and Joel gives the signal to keep on moving. They both walk off as Ellie observes the dead corpse beside them. The "How'd I do?" cinematic ends. Players once again take control over Joel.]
Joel: Now, the safety's on. Do you know how to switch it off?
Ellie: I do.
Joel: Okay, you just...you gotta respect it. This is not--
Ellie: Joel, I'll be careful.
Joel: Okay.
[They see a body hanging from a tree with a "thief" sign around the neck.]
Ellie: Whoa, nelly. Harsh punishment.
Joel: Shit. It ain't that much different from what the military does back in Boston.
Ellie: I guess not.
[Joel lifts up a garage door.]
Joel: All right, do your thing, Ellie.
Ellie: On it. Come on. Stupid chain is stuck. Hold on.
Joel: I am.
[Ellie moves a large cart under the door as a stopper. Joel crawls under.]
Ellie: There.
Joel: That's good thinkin'.
Ellie: How 'bout you get me up there?
Joel: Help me open this.
Ellie: Here.
Joel: I got it.
[Joel moves the door cart towards the high-up opening. He and Ellie climb over.]
Male tourist: Run!
Joel: Oh shit, get down, get down.
Male tourist: Keep running!
[Joel and Ellie hide under a window sill as two tourists flee from the hunter's Humvee. The tourists are gunned down.]
Ellie: What do we do?
Joel: Nothing.
Female tourist: No...
[The humvee parks beside the tourists. Two hunters jump off and back and shoot the female tourist dead. They then check the corpses.]
Hunter #1: Busy couple a days, huh?
Hunter #2: Whatever, man. Damn. No food, old pair of shoes. They got nothin'. Let's go.
Hunter #1: All right.
[The hunters jump on the humvee and drive away.]
Ellie: Oh man...
Joel: There ain't nothin' we coulda done.
Ellie: I know...it's just...oh man.
Joel: Let's just get to that bridge.
Ellie: Okay.
[They sneak upstairs to find more hunters.]
Hunter #3: Well, at least they finally killed that couple. I was sure they made it out of the city. Now all we need to find is this fucking pickup truck duo.
Hunter #4: There better've been an army in that truck. How the fuck did they wipe out an entire crew over there?
Hunter #3: Let's keep searching. I wanna wrap this up by sundown.
[Joel and Ellie move past the hunters and head deeper into the financial district. There are several more hunters scattered along the street and buildings.]
Hunter #5: Got word from the east side crew -- they ain't seen shit.
Hunter #6: What about Market Street?
Hunter #5: Yeah, they're driving through that area now. Who knows, maybe they'll flush 'em out.
Hunter #6: I pray to god these tourists show their faces.
Hunter #5: Fuck, they gotta show up somewhere...I think this'll be your lucky day.
Ellie: Joel, there's a guy up on that second floor, right there.
Joel: Yeah, I see him. Stay low.
[Joel and Ellie kill all the hunters in the street.]
Ellie: Oh man. Endure and survive.
Joel: What? Oh, right...the comic book thing.
[Ellie finds three FEDRA corpses along a wall.]
Ellie: Geez. I guess this is how it ended for this zone.
Joel: Well, every battle's got a losing side.
Ellie: What if they had families?
Joel: Everyone has a family. Best not to dwell on it.
Ellie: How can you not? [Moves to scaffolding.] Hey -- get me up there. Come on.
Joel: There ya go.
[He boosts her up to knock down the fire escape ladder.]
Joel: We're almost there.
[They jump down near an abandoned military school school.]
Ellie: I stayed at a place like this. Back in the Boston QZ.
Joel: "Military Preparatory School".
Ellie: Yeah, nice way of saying orphanage. I wonder what happened to all these kids.
Joel: This place has been out for a good stretch. They ain't kids no more.
Ellie: Meaning they're either hunters trying to kill us, or they're dead.
Joel: Or they got away.
Ellie: But you don't believe that?
Joel: I believe in getting out of this city. Come on.
Ellie: There's another one.
[Ellie runs to a decayed "Dawn of the Wolf" movie poster.]
Ellie: These posters are everywhere.
Joel: I saw this right before the outbreak.
Ellie: You did? Did he totally gut her by the end?
Joel: Nobody gets gutted. It's a dumb teen movie.
Ellie: Who dragged you to see it then?
Joel: I don't know. Let's just stay focused, all right?
Ellie: All right.
Joel: Let's get through the alley.
[They can hear the military humvee and hunters near the grocery store.]
Ellie: Agh, it's that fucking truck.
Joel: It's all right, keep your head down.
Hunter #1: Six.
Hunter #2: Nope.
Hunter #1: Seven.
Hunter #2: Not even close.
Hunter #1: Ten.
Hunter #2: Keep going.
Hunter #1: I don't know, twenty.
Hunter #2: Try twenty-five.
Hunter #1: Bullshit.
Hunter #2: Swear to god.
Hunter #1: You have twenty-five cans of bacon?
Hunter #2: Well, twenty-four. I just finished one.
Hunter #1: How the hell do you have twenty-four cans of bacon?
Hunter #2: Military locker in the hotel, from back in the day. Me and Reuben stumbled upon it. Split it right down the middle.
Hunter #1: And that shit's still good? When are you making some more?
Hunter #2: Why?
Hunter #1: Why do you think? I want some.
Hunter #2: Yeah, I bet you do.
Hunter #1: Man...I saved your ass from that clicker last week.
Hunter #2: I'll think about it.
Hunter #1: I shoulda let your ass die back there.
Hunter #2: Oh, Jesus. I'll make you some if you quit bringing that up.
Hunter #1: It better be as good as you say it is.
Hunter #2: It's bacon; of course it's good.
[The humvee sees them and starts firing with its machine gun.]
Ellie: What the fuck are they shooting at us with?
[They evade the humvee. It drives around, away from them.]
Joel: I think we lost 'em.
[They move along a the second floor ledge toward another apartment. The humvee reappears below.]
Ellie: Oh shit.
Joel: We're okay. They can't see us.
Escape the City[]
[The "I'm Henry...this is Sam" cinematics opens to Joel climbing into the room through the window. Henry, from behind, jumps on his back and puts him into a choke hold. They struggle.]
Ellie: Oh shit! [Jumps through the window and swings her switchblade.]
Henry: [Throws back Ellie with his arm, getting cut in the process.] The fuck.
[Henry stares at Ellie, slackening his grip on Joel. Responding, Joel slams Henry's head on the wall behind them. Reaching back, he grabs Henry's head and flips him over his back and onto the floor. He delivers heavy blows to Henry's side and face.]
Ellie: [Worried.] Joel. [Joel continues to punch Henry. Ellie shouts.] Joel, stop! [Joel looks over at Ellie and she points across the room.] Look.
[Ellie puts her hands up. Cut to Sam with a handgun aimed at Joel. Joel lets Henry go and puts his hands up.]
Sam: [Still aimed.] Leave him alone.
Joel: [Backs up.] Easy, son. Just take it easy.
Henry: [Extends arm.] It's all right. They're not the bad guys. Lower the gun.
[Frightened, Sam hesitantly lowers the handgun. Henry sits up.]
Henry: Man, you hit hard.
Joel: Yeah, well, I was trying to kill you.
Henry: [Stands up.] Yeah, I thought you were one of them too. [Points at Ellie.] Then I saw you. [Cut to Joel, looking at Ellie. Cut to all.] In case you ain't noticed, they don't keep kids around. [Pauses.] Survival of the fittest. [Winces and looks at his arm.]
Sam: [Worried.] You're bleeding.
Henry: Ah, it's nothing. [Takes gun from Sam and reaches inside Sam's backpack. To Joel and Ellie.] I'm Henry. This is Sam. [Pulls out bandage.] I think I caught your name was Joel?
Ellie: [Waves.] Ellie.
Joel: How many are with you?
Sam: They're all dead--
Henry: Hey. [Looks at Sam.] We don't know that. [Looks away and continues bandaging arm. To Joel.] There were a bunch of us. Someone had the brilliant idea of entering the city. Look for supplies. Those fuckers--they ambushed us. Scattered us. Now it's all about getting out this shithole.
Ellie: We can help each other.
Joel: [Interrupting] Ellie.
Ellie: [To Joel.] Safety in numbers and all that.
Henry: She's right. [Shrugs.] We could help each other. We got a hideout not too far from here. Be safer if we chat there.
Joel: [Pauses.] All right, take us there.
[The "I'm Henry...this is Sam" cinematic ends. The player regains control of Joel.]
Henry: Follow me.
Sam: Sorry about the whole gun thing.
Ellie: Don't worry. I would've probably done the same thing. Where you from?
Sam: All the way from Hartford.
Ellie: Really? I heard some bad stuff going on down there.
Sam: Yeah, the military abandoned the zone. It's why we left. Place probably looks like this by now.
Henry: We gotta be careful. We're right next to one of their lookout areas. Is it just you and your daughter?
Ellie: We're not related, we're more like, um...
Joel: I promised someone I'd look after her.
Henry: Yeah, I can appreciate that.
[They enter a toy store and hear the humvee approaching.]
Henry: Wait, wait. Everyone be quiet. Get away from the windows.
Joel: They're gone.
Henry: Man...that fuckin' truck. It's been hounding us ever since we got in this damn-- Sam, what are you doing?
[Sam is fiddling with a robot toy.]
Sam: Nothing.
Henry: Get rid of it.
Sam: My backpack is practically empty.
Henry: What's the rule about takin' stuff?
Sam: It weighs like nothing.
Henry: The rule -- what is it?
Sam: We only take what we have to.
[Sam drops the toy.]
Henry: That's right. Now come on.
Joel: How far is this place?
Henry: We're close. Real close.
[They exit outside where three hunters are patrolling.]
Joel: Shit. Ellie, you watch our back.
Ellie: Of course.
Henry: Sam, stay with her.
Hunter #1: What'd you find?
Hunter #2: Nothing... Looks like someone was up there, but they're long gone.
Hunter #1: So where are the others?
Hunter #2: They wanted to give it another once over. Make sure we didn't miss anything.
Hunter #1: All right...keep an eye out over there. I'll check this area.
[Joel and Henry kill the hunters.]
Henry: We did it. Not bad, old timer. Come on, up on this truck. Oh shit, more guys up there.
[They enter an apartment building.]
Henry: Through this door.
Joel: Are you sure it's safe being so close to them?
Henry: I'm the only one with the key, man.
Joel: And where'd you get that?
Henry: I killed one of 'em. He won't miss it now. [Opens the door.] Everybody through.
Sam: It's back here. So...how old are you?
Ellie: Me? Fourteen. How old are you?
Sam: Ah...the same.
Henry: Oh, you're fourteen, huh?
Sam: I'm close.
Henry: All right.
Sam: I am.
[The "Welcome to my office" scene begins. It opens to Henry entering an office, with Joel, Ellie and Sam coming in soon after. He gestures around the room, rather proud.]
Henry: Welcome to my office. [Closes door behind everyone.]
Ellie: [To Sam.] How long have you guys been holed up in here?
Sam: A few days. We found a bit of food though. Here [Walks off with Ellie.]
Henry: [To Joel.] Blueberries. Found a whole stash of them. You want some?
Joel: [Back facing Henry. Uninterested.] No.
Henry: Hey man, relax. We're safe.
Joel: [Looks at Henry.] So why haven't you left?
Henry: Been waiting for the right opportunity.
Joel: And?
Henry: [Gestures head.] Here. [Walks off.] Check this out. [Cautiously approaches broken window. Cut to multiple armed hunters down at the checkpoint.] Look at these sons of bitches. Everyday they congregate down there. Guarding that damn bridge. [Cut to Henry and Joel.] Come night time, it's down a skeleton crew. After sunset, that's our window. With most of them gone, sneak right past them.
Joel: That could work.
Henry: Oh, it'll work. It'll definitely work. [Ellie and Sam laugh in the background. Henry and Joel look at them.] Wow...
Sam: [Cut to Ellie and Sam on a couch with a pile of blueberries in between them.] All right ready?
Ellie: [Ellie throws a blueberry in the air and it hits her nose.] Ow.
[Both Sam and Ellie laugh.]
Sam: A blueberry hurt you?
[The camera cuts back to Joel and Henry.]
Henry: It's been a while since that boy even cracked a smile. [Joel watches, smiling.] She doesn't seem bothered by all this.
Joel: [Looks down and walks away. Looks at Henry.] So where we're you headin'? [He sits on a chair.]
Henry: [Grabs a chair.] Heard the Fireflies are out west somewhere. [Sits as Joel does. Intrigued.] We're gonna join up with them.
Joel: Yeah. [Light chuckle.]
Henry: Something funny?
Joel: [Shrug.] Just seems like there's a lot of people putting their stock on the Fireflies these days.
Henry: [Nods.] Yeah, maybe there's a reason for that.
Joel: So you don't know where they are and you're just gonna drag him around the country to find 'em?
Henry: [Scoots forward.] I tell you what, [Glares.] how about I worry about my brother, you worry about your girl?
Joel: [Calmly.] Easy. We're looking for the Fireflies too.
Henry: [Chuckles and pauses. Reaches into his pocket and pulls out a map. Points to spot on it.] This is us. [Points to another.] There's an abandoned military radio station, just outside the city. Any survivors from our group—they're suppose to meet us there—tomorrow. You and your girl want to join us, it goes down tonight.
Joel: I guess we best rest up then. [Sits back.]
[Henry smiles and sits back in his computer chair and looks down. The scene cuts to night time. Joel sleeps in the same chair. Ellie walks up to him and rests her hand on his shoulder, Joel wakes up with a sharp inhale.]
Ellie: He said it's time to go. [Joel nods and sits up. Ellie walks off.]
Henry: [To Sam.] Now we're gonna be moving fast, okay? So no matter what, you stick to me like glue.
Sam: Like glue.
Henry: Like glue.
Sam: [Nods.] Got it.
Henry: [Pats shoulder.] Good. Good.
Henry: [Looks at Joel and Ellie.] All right, ya'll ready.
Joel: Yeah.
Henry: Okay, y'all stay close, okay?
[The "Welcome to my office" cinematic ends. The player takes back control over Joel. The group begin descending down a staircase.]
Joel: You tried this before?
Henry: Uh, yeah.
Joel: That's comforting.
Henry: Relax, old man.
Joel: I just hope you know the way.
Henry: This way.
[Henry leads them to street level, near the hunter's checkpoint.]
Henry: Okay, let's try to take them out quietly. [To Joel.] Hey, I'll follow your lead.
Joel: All right.
[Two hunters lie ahead while several more are manning the checkpoint.]
Hunter #1: Hey...how you doing?
Hunter #2: Just trying to keep warm. How's it looking out there?
Hunter: We put down some infected, but no sign of those tourists.
Hunter 2: Think they're still in the city?
Hunter: Yeah, they're still around. All right...I'm gonna do another round. Watch your back.
Hunter 2: Yeah, you too.
[Joel and Henry They go outside to see one hunter is sniping distant infected while his partner lights them up using a spotlight.]
Hunter #3: Hey, you hear that? Clicker.
Hunter #4: Yeah, I hear it, but I don't see shit! [Spots clicker; kills it.] Woo! Nailed it! Did you see that shit?
Hunter #3: Not bad. Hold up, there it is! There!
Henry: Yo, Joel, there's a guy on that light up there.
Joel: I see 'em.
[Joel and Henry kill the hunters guarding the checkpoint.]
Henry: All right, we did it.
Joel: Henry, give me a hand with this.
Henry: All right. You ready?
[The hunter's humvee approaches the checkpoint in the distance.]
Henry: Ah, shit. Go!
Joel: Oh, no. Hurry, c'mon.
[Joel and Henry push the gates open and the group sneak through, avoiding the humvee.]
Henry: Wait, wait, wait!
[Two more hunters shoot at them from atop a truck.]
Hunter #5: Hey! They're over here!
[Henry and Joel kill them.]
Henry: Got 'em. Come on, everyone.
Joel: Keep your eyes open, we ain't outta this mess yet.
[Joel prepares to boost Henry on to the truck's roof.]
Joel: All right, check it out.
[Henry reaches the top, using a set of ladders to assist him.]
Henry: We're good. Sam, let's go.
Joel: All right, kid, c'mon. There you go.
Henry: Come on.
[Joel boosts Sam up, where Henry pulls him to safety. The humvee begins ramming the barred gate.]
Hunter #6: Open the gate!
Henry: Ah, shit!
Joel: Hurry, hurry!
Hunter #7: They locked it!
[The ladder they've been using breaks when Ellie gets up.]
Joel: Ellie!
Henry: Gotcha.
Hunter #6: Go!
Hunter #7: Move outta the fucking way! We gotta ram it!
Ellie: [To Henry.] Okay, we gotta get him up.
Henry: Ah...I'm sorry. We're leaving.
Sam: What?
Ellie: What? This is bullshit!
Hunter: Hey! Now!
Ellie: What the fuck, Henry?
Joel: Oh shit.
[Henry and Sam run off but Ellie jumps back down to Joel.]
Ellie: We stick together.
Hunter: One more time. Punch it!
[Joel lifts up a garage door.]
Joel: C'mon, into the building! Let's go!
Ellie: Okay! Okay...
Joel: Go...
[Ellie holds the door open just as the humvee breeches the gates. Joel makes it through just as the humvee opens fire.]
Ellie: Oh, fuck.
Hunter #6: Go around to the other side!
Ellie: Agh. How the fuck do we get outta here?
[They enter a hunter-filled pub.]
Hunter #8: The hell is going on back there?
Hunter #9: Sounds like they found 'em. Spread out. They might come through here.
[Joel and Ellie escape to the highway out the chain-locked door.]
Joel: All right, let's get underneath it.
[The humvee rams a gate nearby. Joel and Ellie run towards the highway.]
Hunter #6: Fuckin' open it! Go! There! They're running to the bridge! Go, go, go!
Ellie: Joel!
[Joel and Ellie move through debris and disused vehicles. They hop over a barricade behind an overturned bus. Their escape continues in the next chapter.]
- ↑ The bloater does not spawn on easy difficulty.
← "Bill's Town" | Current transcript "Pittsburgh" |
"The Suburbs" → |
The Last of Us Part I | "Hometown" · "The Quarantine Zone" · "The Outskirts" · "Bill's Town" · "Pittsburgh" · "The Suburbs" · "Tommy's Dam" · "The University" · "Lakeside Resort" · "Bus Depot" · "The Firefly Lab" · "Jackson" |
Left Behind | "Back in a Flash" · "Mallrats" · "So Close" · "Fun and Games" · "The Enemy of My Enemy" · "Escape from Liberty Gardens" |
The Last of Us Part II | "Jackson" · "Seattle Day 1" · "Seattle Day 2" · "Seattle Day 3" · "The Park" · "Seattle Day 1" · "Seattle Day 2" · "Seattle Day 3" · "The Farm" · "Santa Barbara" · "The Farm" · "Jackson Party" · "Seattle Sewers" · "The Hunt" |
HBO's The Last of Us Season 1 | "When You're Lost in the Darkness" · "Infected" · "Long, Long Time" · "Please Hold to My Hand" · "Endure and Survive" · "Kin" · "Left Behind" · "When We Are in Need" · "Look for the Light" |
The Official The Last of Us Podcast | "Your watch is broken." - Summer Part 1 · "What are you scared of?" - Summer Part 2 · "You have no idea what loss is." - Fall and Left Behind · "It can't be for nothing." - Winter and Spring · Artifact 1: "Sad Town USA" · Artifact 2: "Your dad's eyes and your mom's baggage" · Artifact 3: "Still searching for the happy ending" · "Take on me" - Behind Part II · "They should be terrified of you" - Ellie · "You're my people" - Abby · "I would do it all over again" - Beyond Part II · Bonus Ep 1: "I know, I know, I know" |
HBO's The Last of Us Podcast | "When You're Lost in the Darkness" · "Infected" · "Long, Long Time" · "Please Hold to My Hand" · "Endure and Survive" · "Kin" · "Left Behind" · "When We Are in Need" · "Look for the Light" |
Stage adaptations | The Last of Us: One Night Live |
Web series | The Last of Us Development Series · Grounded: Making The Last of Us · From Dreams: The Making of The Last of Us: Left Behind · Inside The Last of Us Part II · The Last of Us Revisited · Building The Last of Us · Grounded II: Making The Last of Us Part II |