Rebecca is a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II.[1]
Rebecca was a citizen living within the Seattle quarantine zone after the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak and lived with Fran.
After the Washington Liberation Front defeated FEDRA and the United States military, Rebecca was forced to live under their rule. Unlike Fran, Rebecca supported their rule in place of the military and supported the WLF's proposal to move her and her community to SoundView Stadium.
Rebecca witness the WLF execute Jimmy. Despite the event, Rebecca still boarded a bus to take her to SoundView Stadium the next day, even though Rebecca refused to go with her. Instead, Fran left her a note asking her to meet at a nearby cabin rather than stay a member of the WLF.[2]
Events of The Last of Us Part II[]
Ellie and Dina can find a note mentioning Rebecca when searching Seattle.[1]