Rooftop note is an artifact that is found during the chapter "Seattle Day 1 (Ellie)" in The Last of Us Part II.
The rooftop note is a handwritten note from an unnamed Washington Liberation Front soldier. It contains several attempts at drafting a letter to Isaac Dixon, who appears to have assigned the soldier to a far-flung post as a consequence for questioning Isaac's instructions.
The artifact can be found on the roof of the mobile command center with the generator, inside the main gate. To reach the artifact, pick up the power cable from the generator and throw it over the top of the trailer. Cross to the other side of the trailer and use the cable to climb up to the roof. The artifact will be on a folding chair, along with some supplies.
Dear Isaac - You shouldn't banish people to the ends of the fucking QZ for questioning your orders. I was just trying to help-
Isaac - I hope you see my good intentions, even if I didn't communicate them in the best way. I wasn't trying to disrespect--
Dear Isaac - I would really appreciate it if you would reconsider my assignment. I'm sorry I talked back. That wasn't professiona-