The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Scott is a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II.[1] He was a medical worker stationed at the Lakehill Seattle Hospital during the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak.



Scott was a medical worker stationed at Lakehill Seattle Hospital in Seattle. He was close with a man named Jake and a woman named Susie.[2]

After the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak, Scott was quarantined within the hospital basement area near the laboratory after FEDRA soldiers occupied the hospital on the pretense of securing the staff and patient's safe evacuation after infected took over the lower floors. While awaiting evacuation, Scott took refuge in the hospital chapel with other staff members and patients.

However, it soon became clear FEDRA's intentions were to secure research on the CBI from the hospital's laboratory rather than evacuate the people. Furious, Scott got into a fight with one of the soldiers. Two other medical staff witnessed the fight and planned to ask Scott to join them the following night in an effort to flee from the hospital without the soldier's help.[3]

Scott joined the workers in an attempt to flee but eventually became trapped as infected cornered them in the hospital's annex. Panicked and believing he would die, Scott spent his last moments writing a letter to Jake and Susie, expressing his wishes to be with them and professing his love for them.[2]

Events of The Last of Us Part II[]

In April 2038, Abby Anderson can find a note in the chapel mentioning Scott. She later reaches the annex, finding Scott's corpse along with others, and collects his letter to Jake to take with her.[1]

