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"Seattle Day 3" is the fourth act of The Last of Us Part II. It contains the chapters "Road to the Aquarium", "The Flooded City", and "Infiltration".






Road to the Aquarium

After recovering from the events in the Lakehill Seattle Hospital, Ellie and Jesse discuss the need to move Dina from the city, as she has come down with a heavy fever. Jesse reveals he deduced the symptoms Dina exhibits mean she is pregnant, adding to the urgency to get her out of the city. Ellie remains resistant though, wanting to find and kill Abby Anderson. Jesse forces her to compromise; he and her will go out into the city, but to find Tommy, not kill Abby. They suspect Tommy has also tracked Abby's whereabouts, so heading towards Abby should lead them to Tommy. After informing Dina of their plans, the pair make their way to the Seattle Waterfront Aquarium, where Abby resides.

Using the ferris wheel as their landmark, the duo pass through a series of dilapidated buildings, including a convention center and a bookstore. They also discuss Dina's pregnancy, to which Jesse deduced on his own from her persistent symptoms. After gaining a suitable vantage point, they both find that most of their paths consists of floods too treacherous to pass on foot.

However, they spot a passing boat and make their way to hijack it. They encounter a group of WLF soldiers patrolling the mall. They overhear that a sniper has been causing havoc in one of their zones. Concluding that it may be Tommy, Jesse points out one of the direction that leads to the marina. However, Ellie, set on searching for Abby, assures him that Tommy will be fine and can take care of himself. Their disagreement causes them to split up, with Jesse heading to the marina while Ellie successfully hijacks the boat and makes her way to the aquarium.

The Flooded City

Ellie passes through numerous obstacles throughout her trip to the aquarium, from fences, to WLF and Seraphites battling each other. She eventually stumbles across an arcade, where her path is blocked. As she sets out to clear a path, she stumbles across a Bloater. She manages to defeat the Bloater and clear herself path, but is soon thrown off her course by a strong current. A tidal wave strikes the boat, sending her over board. Determined, Ellie swims her way to the aquarium.


Ellie makes her way to the aquarium, and seeks out Abby. While crossing through the abandoned aquarium, the vent Ellie travels through collapses. Dazed, a guard dog attacks her, but Ellie kills it with her switchblade. She then discovers bloodied bandages and medical equipment in the aquarium kitchen. She also finds a Firefly pendant belonging to Owen Moore. Knowing she is in the right place, she sneaks towards the main hall, where she overhears Mel and Owen arguing.

Drawing her gun, Ellie points it at them, takes a map out and demands they tell her Abby's whereabouts. Mel moves to tell her but Owen orders her not to because he believes Ellie will kill them either way. Ellie shouts back at him, then advances on Mel. Owen jumps out, grabbing Ellie's gun. In defense, Ellie punches him, then shoots his stomach. Mel cries out, drawing a knife. A scuffle breaks out between them, resulting in Ellie pushing Mel to the floor and stabbing her in the neck.

Ellie retrieves her dropped pistol, moves to Owen, and jabs the gun in his neck, ordering he tell her where Abby is. Owen, before passing, reveals Mel is pregnant. Shocked, Ellie approaches Mel's corpse, and unzips her parka, revealing her pregnant stomach. Distraught, Ellie descends into a panic attack. A man then creeps towards her, prompting Ellie to aim her gun's Tommy. Realising she's in shock, Tommy grabs her arms as Jesse runs in behind him. Ellie drops the map as Tommy guides her from the aquarium, the trio leaving the corpses behind.

Later that night, the trio have returned to the Pinnacle Theater, Abby's whereabouts still unknown. Ellie lies with a sleeping Dina before getting up and heading into the auditorium, where she finds Tommy and Jesse planning a route to get them back to Jackson. Tommy asks her how she is, but Ellie only remarks she wishes she had killed Abby. Tommy assures her, with him and Ellie having killed all of Abby's friends, that their revenge has been satisfied. Ellie relents, but Tommy senses she is still disappointed. To distract her, he reveals he found a gold necklace to gift Maria Miller when he returns home. He clutches his torso, where a stab wound lies, and heads to the entrance to get the necklace. Now alone, Jesse asks Ellie how she is, but Ellie only passively answers he's a sap. Jesse then jibes back. The pair grow quiet when they hear the sound of blows and Tommy shouting out.

Ellie and Jesse rush towards the doors but, as they go through them, Jesse is shot in the head. Ellie cowers behind a desk, shocked at Jesse's sudden death. Then she hears his killer call to her to stand up. It's Abby. She threatens to shoot Tommy, who lies at Abby's feet, if she doesn't reveal herself. Despite Tommy telling her not to, Ellie does so, tossing her gun to the side. Ellie tries to talk Abby out of it, offering to go with her if she will spare Tommy. Abby only declares her disappointment that Ellie and Tommy didn't stay away from her after she killed Joel, and aims her gun at Ellie.


  • This is the first chapter in The Last of Us franchise to feature multiple human factions that are simultaneously hostile to the player and to each other.

