Snipers' nest log is an artifact that can be found in the chapter "The University".
Note: All punctuation and capitalization are typed up as it appears in the game, when you choose to read it in text-form.
- Nothing
- [Didn't they say people were coming? What's the point of being out here if nothing happens?]
- Still nothing
- [Marc, quit your bitching. Plenty of time to read up here. Working guard duty on the Science Lab, that's true misery.]
- 5 new recruits from the Chicago Q.Z. IN
- [Hah, finally. One of 'em gave me a pack of smokes for "doing a good job." Sweet!]
- 6 guys from H.Q. IN
- [Takes 6 guys to deliver one truck? Must be worse out there than I remember.]
- Supply delivery from H.Q. IN
- [BTW, snagged two apples from one of the crates. Left you one, enjoy.]
- 10 million werewolves IN
- [Let 'em in just for you, Andrea. Happy Halloween!]
- Recon went to scavenge supplies from town. OUT
- Recon returned. IN
- [Roger yelled at me for sleeping... Prick.]
- 1
ScientistBiologist from San Francisco IN
- [Guy's a real asshole. Watch out for him.]
- 3 new recruits as escort IN
- [At least they wished me a Merry Xmas. Didn't feel like telling them I was Jewish.]
- 10 crates from UT hospital (lotta lab stuff) IN
Side one of the log ends here.
- 4 veterans wrangling supplies. OUT
- [Lot more mouths to feed with all those scientists]
- 2 veterans who left back in February. IN
- supply dump from Dallas Q.Z. IN
- [Holy shit! We got chicken! You better call me over as soon as they serve dinner.]
- 12 veterans to Boston Q.Z. OUT
- [Wished 'em luck.]
- 3 doctors OUT
- [No idea why they left...]
- 2 recruits OUT
- [ John said something about "scouting", but for what?]
- 4 10-ton trucks and a flatbed IN
- 1 personnel carrier truck IN
- 2 veteran drivers IN
- 4 recruit drivers IN
- [New blond guy was giving me eyes. I hope he sticks around. BTW, what's with all the commotion? Is anyone going to tell us what's going on?]
Related dialogue[]
Upon coming in proximity to the Log, Joel remarks to Ellie:
- Joel: There was a lookout here.
- Ellie: That's a good sign.