The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Sofia Legasov was a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II.[1]

She was the daughter of Boris Legasov and lived a relatively normal life with him in the Seattle quarantine zone before the Washington Liberation Front overthrew FEDRA and the United States military.[2] She was well liked in the Hillcrest community, getting along with Uli,[3] the Brandmans,[4] Yolanda and her dog, Alfie.[5]

She started illegally protesting by disobeying curfew and making subversive art in opposition to the WLF forcing evicted people to move to SoundView Stadium. She graffitied several WLF banners, something that Uli tried to dissuade her from doing. Despite his efforts, Sofia continued vandalizing the banners and was caught and killed by gunfire from a WLF platoon out on their patrol route.[3] This enraged her father so much it pushed him over the edge and he began single-handedly waging a guerrilla campaign against the WLF in vengeful retaliation for her death.[6]

Ellie can find Sofia's drawing and the notes mentioning her while searching for Tommy Miller in Hillcrest.[1]

