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Supermarket apology is the fourth collectible artifact that is found during the chapter "Jackson" in The Last of Us Part II.


Supermarket apology is a handwritten note by an unnamed person, apologizing to God and the owner of the Greenplace Market in Jackson County, Wyoming for attacking her husband.

The person claims they needed insulin for their younger sister who had loss feeling in her feet, and broke into the supermarket without an intent to hurt anyone. However, the supermarket owner's husband, in an attempt to defend their store, attacked the note's author. This resulted in the author having to use self-defense and inflicting severe damage to the husband, claiming they had no other choice. The author offers their condolences and hopes her husband survives.

It is unknown if the husband survived the attack or if his wife ever found the note.


After Ellie crawls under the semi-trailer, take a sharp right and enter the loading bay. The back of the trailer is open to the bay. Past a squeeze-through inside the trailer, Ellie can find the supermarket apology as well as some supplies.


Ma'am - I'm sorry to God for what I did. I wasn't going to hurt
you. I didn't want anything from your store except for the
drugs. Your husband came at me. What choice did I have?

My little sister stopped feeling her feet. I needed the insulin.
Everyone is hoarding the stuff. What choice did I have?

I hope he survives. I'm sorry.
