The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki
Weapon holsters icon

Weapon holsters are items found in The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II that allow the player to have an extra pistol and long gun slot, rather than having to access different weapons through their backpack.

The Last of Us[]

Weapon holsters in The Last of Us are weapon upgrades that can be upgraded at Workbenches. There are only two holsters, a Pistol holster, which appears strapped to Joel's leg, and a Long Gun holster. They both require a level 1 tools Tool icon and 75 parts Parts icon to create. With both upgrades, Joel has a total of four holsters; two for pistols and two for long guns.

Factions MP[]

In Factions MP, the number of weapons one can carry is determined by their load-out; so one could have a single pistol but be able to holster two long guns and vice versa.

The Last of Us Part II[]

In The Last of Us Part II, weapon holsters are no longer upgrades and are instead found in the environment. Ellie and Abby Anderson are both capable of finding a long gun and pistol holster.


  • Ellie pistol holster: During "Seattle Day 1", this holster can be found on a counter to the back of the Barko's pet store in the downtown section.
  • Ellie long gun holster: Found in a safe during "Seattle Day 2" in the Hillcrest subchapter.
  • Abby pistol holster: Found on "Seattle Day 1" in the Hostile Territory subchapter.
  • Abby long gun holster: Found during "Seattle Day 1" in the subchapter The Coast.


The Last of Us[]

  • When you acquire the long gun holster, it changes the placement of the weapons in that slot:
    • Hunting rifle: Lies parallel on the backpack's side.
    • Assault rifle: Lies parallel on the backpack's side.
    • Bow: Attaches to the lower part of the backpack.
    • Shotgun: Lies perpendicular on the backpack's side.
    • Flamethrower: Lies sideways on the back of the backpack.
  • The placement of weapons in the hand gun holster is placed as one in a gun belt holster and the others keep in Joel's back pants.